Wednesday, August 21, 2019


So what I understand from this word, Karma, is that whatever you do; good or bad, it will come back to you...

It's something like Newton's third law where every action has a reaction, so it beats me. 

I just want to express this out aloud here and get this crappy feelings inside me out of the system to this woman that has been taunting me for the past 10-11 months (gosh, didn't realise it has been almost a year now I have moved to this new life in Singapore) that if you, woman, continue what you are doing now to get to me when I have done absolutely nothing to deserve those rumors you are spreading about me and all those little acts you were/are doing now to try to get the attentions you longed... you are just going nowhere.

Yes, all that you have done may have affected me for a little while each time you tried with your little gags and actions, mind you I get stronger every time and part of me actually feels a bit victorious too because I would think why are you so obsessed with me and why my well-being affects you so much.

My family and true friends have been very supportive to try and get me out of this toxic situation you are trying to get me into and I am so glad to have them. I also feel so sorry for you that you have none of these support from your side hence why you are trying so hard to ruin the new life I am building here because you are suffering there everyday knowing I am living well here.

So for all that has happened, I can only say when you hope I fail, you are creating bad karma for yourself, and I see that is already slowly happening to you, sadly. Things are already looking bad for you and I can only imagine how worse it's going to get. Demoted,paycut and all. Haha

I believe in Karma.

2020 First Post

So 2020 started badly overall for everyone, with world disasters keep coming. However I didn't think it was bad as I was still looking...