Monday, September 03, 2012

before it's too late.

This is a Repost from a blog I read. I felt the need to share this, because it's happening to people around me now, and I really wished they could wake up and realised how much they are going to lose.....

 ''Too often we don't realize what we have until it's gone.
Too often we're too stubborn to say, "Sorry, I was wrong."
Too often it seems we hurt the ones closest to our  hearts,
and we let the most foolish things tear us apart.''


Monday, April 02, 2012


It's APRIL already! Time flies! The last post was about my 4th day doing TP and today, I have lost count already But I've been counting down days and I am left 26 days to finish this TP. I really can't wait. I dread coming to work, preparing lesson plans and what is worst is, I don't like to be observed in my class. This coming wednesday I'll be observed by my Supervisor from UBD and this is really important because that observation will determine what grade he will give me for my 4months TP here. I just wished everything will go fine.

So what's up for the past few months uh. January has been all about Chinese New Year and visiting around to get angpaos, and after CNY it was a little bit hard to settle down, well, what I meant was to tone down the busyness because during the CNY, for 15 days, everyday after work I was busy preparing to visit around. Heh` kinda miss CNY now. It was so happening.

So after the CNY, I've been busy as well in school as every school is busy preparing for the National Day Celebration and I must say YAY because both the classes that I teach were involved and so there was no lessons for 3 weeks, and during the last week, teachers were assigned to go to the Padang Soas to look after the students during their practice so it was quite fun until I fell so lost and unwell too right after the National Day. I was so messed up and also one of my Ct (Cooperating Teacher) started to be demanding in my work and I had to amend and amend my work all over again for a few times. I got so stressed and emotional for a few weeks there. Haha, and I fell sick right after.

ok, to be continued.... got class in a while. 

Thursday, January 19, 2012

4th day of TP

So the title says... it's not so bad here really, infact, I quite like it here. I made some new friends and I think my tp-mates are just cool. 3 of them play left4dead! Interesting eyh` and my timetable is quite free. I am given 2 classes of year 10 and I be teaching Mathematics and Accounting. Well I should be really really thankful because I wished for morning session and I really got it. So, though it will be quite challenging to teach year 10's Mathematic and Accounting... I will try my best.

guess that's about it for this post. hee, just felt like updating so I just did ;)

Sunday, January 15, 2012

time flies and things changed.

again, it's been a Long time since I have been here! I have always wanted to blog again but I always had a few things tying me down. Like the blog title says, things changed. So here are some updates..

First off, 2011 has passed and it's year 2012 now and I'll be 24 this year(damn!). It felt like it was just yesterday I was thinking about how was it like to grow up to this age. Time flies and many things have certainly changed. I am not the same person I used to be a year ago and some of my perspectives in life have changed. In many ways I'm just glad for the changes so I must say that 2011 was a great year for me, and it sure did passed... like an arrow. In a blink of an eye, I was already cheering for the year 2012. LOL!

so GEE! I'm graduating this year (hopefully, fingers crossed) and my teaching practice starts tomorrow! Teaching practice will be ongoing for about 4 months and that's it, I will then be waiting for the results and the convocation would most probably be around September/October!

Time sure does have its way of going by faster as we age huh, let's just hope everything will go well for everyone in this dragon year 2012. Hope I'll be writing soon again. Cheers.

2020 First Post

So 2020 started badly overall for everyone, with world disasters keep coming. However I didn't think it was bad as I was still looking...