i miss.. i miss.. erhh.. there's something i miss but i cant make out what. it's most likely that i miss going online. HAHA i hadn't been online for 4-5 days! #$%^&*( 3 days ago i slept only 2 hours. 2 days ago i slept 12 hours. yesterday i slept 16 hours. IM CRAZY. hahaha. body clock system is TOTALLY screwed.
i also miss
vee, i miss
jasmine, i miss
teo, i miss
sana, i miss
sarah, i miss
watson, i miss a whole lot of people that has left brunei.. i also miss
shenny, i miss
felicia, i miss
alison, i miss
josh, i miss people i hadn't seen for over 24 hours. i been plaguing the school for a minimum of 9 hours daily but unfortunately i see very little of them
ex-Sgsers.. so sad that none of them are in the same classes as i am =(
[add] i miss
sheryl, i miss
bal, i miss
lynn. happy now? HAHAHA [/add]
schooli take 5 subjects, i have no private study time (1 hour) like most people do BUT i found out that most
ex-St.Andrew-ans take 5 subjects too! hahaha talk about nerdism. i probably belong with them...nyah. had 3 class tests so far, Chemistry, Biology and Maths. scored a whooping 37/40 for chem! w0Ot! for bio, 36/43 haha not too bad, and maths.. results not out yet but i think i did good.. i mean, the questions were easy wah.
clubs i joined and i vow will be active in (i hope!):
- pool/snooker (it's gonna be funnnnnnn)
- basketball (sheesh, i already missed the first training haha)
- taekwondo (i also missed the first training HAHAHA!)
- pbkp (kickass fun meetings, and i got a cute group member C=)
- the voice (MDnewsletter which seems interesting)
and umm.. the group tutor was asking for runners for
student councillors. i wrote my name in the list and when my group tutor saw that i was taking 5 subjects she said
"SO YOU HAVE NO PS?? are you sure you want to be a councillor?? u might not be able to handle it you know???" yea and how "encouraging" she was being. pfft. im just gonna withdraw myself coz
(a) i probably have too much ECAs to juggle already anyways (WAIT, NO, i know 2 crazy chicks who took up 8 ECAs! CRAZY!)
(b) the whole of 890 only needed 8 councillors from lower6. there is gonna be 8 applicants per BE and there are 24 BEs. there's only 4 seats for females and out of the 4, 2 has to be hostellites. that leaves me about.. 0.52803% chance of being chosen. HAHA.
familydad's home from Qingming in KL. he bought my sis a
SonyEricsson waaaahhh (it's was her birthday last week wah..) and OMG have i already not expressed my anger yet? my brother demanded a
laptop for his birthday AND he got it! !@#$%^&*( WTH???? when i was 10 i hadn't even heard of COMPUTERS!! and what does he do with his Acer IntelCentrino 40GB wirelessLAN Bluetooth-ready? play inbuilt games. ONLY THAT. no songs, no internet, noTHING. OMG. what a total waste. @#^&*!@#$%^&.
anyway. he bought a
camera too WAHAHA not exclusively for me but i reckon i'd be the one using it most anyway. =p and then a tray of assorted
chocolates for each of us children. wahahahaa. banyak chocolates! i still hadn't finished
the ones syadi got me, coz he gave me another bar of Lindt the day after hehe.
and oh, the lexus is back. THE LEXUS IS BACK. THE LEXUS IS FRICKIN BACK!
DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH A SHOCK THAT IS??? no you dont. no one does. OMG OMG OMG THE LEXUS IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
love .infatuation . silly things
there's this dude i've been waiting for to pass me by everyday in the school corridors and he's so cute.......... i dont even know his name and what class he's in and all. ahahhaa. he'll be my daily perk. i dont intend to get to know him coz for all i know, he might just turn out to be an ass. HEHEHE.
there's a quite cute guy in one of my classes (mwahahaha not telling which!) and and uh.. he's nice and he messes around with me and.. oh he pranked me. grrrh. we was having practicals (ok so now u know it's one of those science classes) and i was going home when he said
"hey lyn, did u hand in ur paper?" we were not supposed to hand it in, i checked my bag, it was not there! i walked a whole block back to the class and could NOT find my paper. grr. i went back to the lockers area and there he was. i was all frustrated and he was stepping away from me then he said "yawah i took it." then he went off. harhh? apanya?
and yes, we've know each other for less than a month, he already calls me lyn. first practical-
"hey lyn.." says he
"huh? who did u call?" says i confusedly
"you.. amilyn... lyn, right?" explains he
"uhm.. yeah." says i
"could you help me clear up my bench?" says he
healthi think it's because i had too much chocolates and my sleep's been irregular, im having a damn
ulcer on my lower lip. yuck. just like the 5-cent coin huge one last year, except smaller. been around for 3 days, thankfully it's less swollen now coz my mom wanted to send me to the hospital for
HFMD check up. HAHAHAA. i stood up my dentist for that =p