Tuesday, December 05, 2017

What is happening..

Just when I thought year 2017 is a good year overall, things had to happen.

Wedding is over, finally and I feel absolutely good about it; everything went well, at least that's what I thought and I do not want to care what others think of it.

There were people saying the wedding is boring, this and that, well I guess it was just not up to their entertainment standard but I was happy. I loved the deco where people take pictures, I loved the wedding dress and evening gown I rented last minute and most of all, I have all the friends I cared for with me to share the moment with me.

That was enough, that was enough for me to feel good about my wedding and on another point, I married the love of my life.

... and just when I thought everything will be good, my dad's family decided to make a swift decision to do operation for my grandma on her blocked arteries; bypass surgery.

Although the surgery went well and everything was fine but the person going through the operation was not really briefed properly of the operation procedure and so when grandma woke up and felt all weak and etc, she felt shocked and sort of just give up after two days of pleading us to bring her home. Now when we go visit her, she is always sleeping and coughing and sometimes it sounds like crying with no energy.

So depressed... and I feel so helpless, and my dad and his siblings are just not helping much with the situation... sighs. Speechless and don't know what else to say.

Just wanting to rant this out....

2020 First Post

So 2020 started badly overall for everyone, with world disasters keep coming. However I didn't think it was bad as I was still looking...