Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Suddenly Fretting

[just a short one coz it's studies-related]

i feel like my mom just dropped a bomb on me.

she really made me think what am i gonna do after F5
and remind me i have only 8 months left. omg.

i can't see my future. i don't know what i wanna be..
suggestions? look at all the weird responses i got :

Mom - Dermatologist (..can consider)
T.Veronica - Gynaecologist (..not bad)
Jonan - Nurse (for his own reasons)
Veronica - Nurse too! (dunno why)
- Teacher (students will die..)
Kylie - Nurse also! (do i look so caring?!)
- Lawyer (...will think about it)
Watson - Doctor / Surgeon (err..me?)
Clinton - Pornstar (VERY FUNNY)
- Marine Biology
Ana - Chartered Accounting ($$$)
Amir - Business Related / Law
(coz he can just picture me in a power suit HAHA)

need help! frust.. suggestions please!!

1 comment:

Tony Siti-Dewi Tonique Quah said...

haha... well Lyn we are really facing the same thing... what? choosing a way for our future lah... haha...

it is quite weird for your mom to ask you to go for dermatology... disorders of skins... you can meh? haha...

gynaecology? you??? you can meh... haha... although that is something that you also got one lah... haha... you imagine... you will have to see pussy and pussy and pussy almost everyday... (sorry for being rude... but true bah...)

nursing... you want all the patients to have heart attack meh... having such a beautiful nurse... later none of them wants to go home then you mati... haha...

you can teach boh? haha... well by my owns experience (i am teaching now bah), teaching will not kill students... but TEACHERS... we teachers will normally die after teachign some pek-chek students... those who dont want to do work then somemore said you din assign homework... the next day the mom and dad will come complaint at principal then you will die... haha...

lawyer? not easy leh... but quite ok if you can really memorise all the stupid and kanasai laws... which is more than a few million pages... haha...

doctor and surgeon... well you will kill all your patients by giving wrong medicines... haha... ok lah if you can... somemore you can earn a lots leh... hehe...

pornstar... no one will buy your videos man... haha...

marine biologist... not very clear what should they do... but maybe things like diving into x000 meters sea-levels just to find a little fish that we normally could see in longkang... haha...

accountant... no lah... later you write one digit wrong means you will have to pay back liao loh... haha...

you said you wanted to be a pilot? haha... worst... later all the passenger died of an accident where the pilot kept on looking at some handsome guys' pictures and the plane had crushed with another plane... haha...

well just kidding lah... you try to think what are you good at loh... biology? physics? chemistry? POA? or? then be rational to think about it lah... haha... i cant really help... sorry...

hope to have a chance to visit you again... bye...

*sorry for writing craps... i was bored what...

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