Saturday, March 06, 2010

Ice from the sky

Today I have to blog. hahaha coz it was raining hailstones (literally, ice cubes) from the sky! And it's so weird, coz I've never seen such huge ones and have never seen it LIVE, and the ones I usually see in the past are like tiny, crumbly ice..that is left on the windowsill after I get up. But today at noon, I heard sounds outside and thought why the hell are people throwing stones at the metal railings downstairs. *dong ding dang* I went to have a look see look see. And what I saw wasn't stones, it was hailstones! They were hitting the metal thingy that are usually at the sides of the buildings. And then later they started hitting windows *plak plok plak* SO LOUD! Like people attacking ur windows -->(see this: sounds like that). And they're definitely larger than the ice cubes you get from ur fridge. BIGGGG ones. Probably golf-ball size. And it hit the windows so hard, I thought it might actually crack it, but luckily it didn't. Poor cars, as people drive, the ice cubes kept hitting their windows.. ahhaha like raining ice bombs.

Haha, ok I just saw this video down here. A road being flooded but looks more like a river flowing. Lucky I was indoors.....weeeeeeee

Here's a facebook group, go see the hailstones pics!

But anyway, later during the day, I heard some people's cars got hit and windows got cracked. Scary shit...such weird weather, lucky I was indoors. Then somewhere, it flooded like mad. At some shopping centres, there was a blackout. And escalators and elevators stopped working. And you know what's weird? That it isn't even that cold! The coldest it could possibly be is maybe 16 or 17 degrees.

Went to watch Avatar with 3D glasses at night. I felt the movie was long and storyline not so good. Sue-Mae said it was like Pocahontas in blue..hahah. so true so true.But the 3D glasses did show a very very nice effect during the forest scenes. So glowy and neon.

Gah.. been cleaning like a mad freak for the past few days. So, have been tired and actually missing a few classes due to over-tiredness and over-sleeping..hehe. Still haven't unpacked my luggage fully. Grrr.. so lazy.

I miss Brunei ler.. miss being a lazy person at home, miss Shenny Tang and all friends, miss driving a little.. but still.. time to be a useful student, and use some brainpower!


shenny said...

i miss jasmine yap too!! and so cool, u can experience hailstones live, lol. not that i want brunei to have hailstones, choi, [quite impossible also] Haha :D

shenny said...

ehh, the video really cool la, imagine if someone fell into that 'drain/river' confirmed kena flow/drained away.... HAHA, cool flood. flood in brunei is... still water kaliahs.. except for those in the real drain, seriously. haha

Jasmine said...

hahah ehhh better not have hailstones man. Repair car until money all gone..haha.

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