Wednesday, June 14, 2006


12:27am - I tried to sleep, but I cant Hehe. So, I thought of a better way to spend my time now, rather than watching the match between France&Switzerland, BLogging! Hahaha. Kiasu-ing to blog now. LoLs.

So why didn't I watch the match? Wells, the match is just too.. exciting. Haha, dont want to scream here and there eyy; later the neighbours thought what happened to us. LoL. Actually, wanted to sleep now and wake up later to watch the match between Brazil&Croatia, but yea.. cant sleep ey. Sigh` where am I getting the energy to play basketball later 7 in the morning. Hahaha.

Oh-wells, I think I'm going to try to sleep again. Hahaha.

1:02 am -signing off-

1 comment:

josh said...

AHA! You owe me a DDR session and a *cough* nevermind. ~~~future??? HAHAHA!

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