Wednesday, February 02, 2005


This morning we<Jasmine, Jenny & I> had library duties so we were in the library till like 7:30am.. being a librarian is kewl` feel superior and responsible.. =P seriously shenny's speakin! haha.. =D uh, btw.. T.Veronica was really pissed today when she got to know that Joey's essay paper was stepped by someone.. She went to the next class and scolded them really.. fiercely.. well, cuz I think she suspected someone in that class did it.. I dont know la. Our class's girls were 'bombed' too by her. She was really angry!

Sigh` today was actually a fine nice day for me cuz I remember I had a great time laughing with when we had a'maths class.. until after recess time when I went into the office with <gem & vee>.. T. shanti was talking about me to the principal... something that is not really good, the principal said and before I leave the office, principal told me 'something that ish not nice and that after hearing, I almost burst to tears!! ughh!! pissed..

But somehow I feel better now.. thinking twice, T.Shanti ish trying to make problems big.. by telling some teachers about it.. <I sound like I dislike her right now huh, but NO! I LOVE cHEmistRy now!! =)> I know now my reputation is going down BUT I'm going to make it high high up and I want to be acknowledged by.. good results in academics or other 'good' stuffs and not by something not good!! hmm... I'l have to try to motivate myself to study everyday liao..

I just hope that there'l be no more this kind of problems happening to me again.. & m waiting for good things to come.. like.. 'angpaus!' cant wait for Chinese New Year already.. hehe.. =)

134 off to study.. ^^v

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