Monday, December 18, 2006


some people complain i have too many blog pages. (SANA!)

so i have put them all in one.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

words cannot suffice


once again, i was expecting it my biology papers to be crazy hard, but it turned out much do-able. SO IT'S ALWAYS GOOD TO EXPECT THE WORST?? haha. don't know.

i've been looking at a gruesome scene for the past week right outside my biology lab. up on the sky, apparently, there's a wire hanging from the roof to a tree. and some poor bird was flying and got caught in it. the sun's rays, incident at it, basically fried it to death. poor bird! and the string, being so thin, looked invisible, so the dead bird is just hanging in midair. look:

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i wanna take the poor bird down but i don't know how!! bernard said throw a rock at it. -_-" any ideas?

this morning i woke up and looked around my house. WHOA. can't see beyond 100m. why? HAZE!! or is it morning mist? i dunno. but i didn't like how it looked.

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and this bright spot is supposedly the sun. SO EEEE! gloomy :(
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on to other things..

i think my dog Cookie needs/wants to mate. everytime she sees another male dog, she makes this squirmy sound like she's desperately in love or something. aiyoh! but she's so tiny! anyone has a small dog to mate my dog with? she's a tiny chihuahua+shihtzu (or so i'm told). im waiting for clinton's reply (for his dogs!) but any eligible candidates may apply! ROFL. here's a picture of Cookie and I.

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Teo is coming back on the 30th! YAYeee!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Stressful time

Hi all,

It's towards the end of the year and I particularly don't like it. So many things to do. So stressful. Anyway.. was just thinking of the ball tomorrow. I can't believe what a hassle it is. I went to look for a dress like 3 weeks ago.. and finally found one only last week. Then had to look for heels. After that, have to think of hair andmake-up. sighh. that's what i'm stressing about. At first, I didn't wanna go to salon since it's like wasting money for just one night of "pretty hair". But after thinking until today, I suddenly decided I wanted to go salon lar since I don't even know how/what to do about my hair. Sooo..called up the salon and of course they're fully booked. Stupiak.. then tried to go to other salons..but too expensive. so now, dunno what to do. just leave it down i guess.. so sien :( Then make-up, i dunno what to do lar.. i'm so amateur.. I guess I'll just "cincai" lar.

hehe, ranting on and on about a thing that's not that important. Anyway..then have to stress about the studies, the house, the next-year-what-to-do things. lalala this post is so same with my last post. Nothing interesting is happening in my life.

On 29 October daylight savings began so now I'm separated with u guys in Brunei to 3 hours instead of the normal 2. Means the time here in Australia goes forward by one hour. Then the weather became so strange and weird. During winter time, the sun sets at like 5.15 pm like that and I hated it cause it's so gloomy and dark. But now, with the daylight savings some more, the sun sets at around 8 pm. So weird, and quite hard to adapt. It made me lazier. Cause after sunset, I'll think of doing my schoolwork and all the important things cause it's "dark". But now, I feel so lazy and do my school work like after 8 pm.. arghh.. blaming weather. Then in summer, it's gonna set at 9pm. soo weird lar.. can't adapt..eeeks.

Have u ever felt like if u don't accomplish something u'd die? I feel like that about the Uni thing. If i don't score good enough to get into Melb uni, i think i'd rather go die. hahaha, it sounds very stupid but dunno lar.. everyone's also saying that here "if don't go in melb uni, can die liao" or Balik kampung liao or whatever that seems like it's the end of the world. It's like as if other unis here don't exist.

Ok, back to doing my everyday boring things...tata!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

I'm Back!

Woah, I just realised it's been a long time since I last blog.. forgive me, 'cause I just cant blog as good as Jasmine and Lyn.. and everytime when I open the page to want to start blogging, my mind will be in a state of blank; emptiness.I wonder whyy...and I think my English is deteriorating, I find it hard to express myself lately, dont know why//

I miss using my imagination to write narrative story. Sigh`

So, my last holiday was a Blast! Hehe..I had a lot of fun, with my grandparents and Uncle&family around for the whole holiday week. Well, there's a reason why they came; my house-warming party. Hehe, lyn was kinda right about me being a 'mother hen' busying running here and there 'layan'ing' ppls.. and I kinda regret doing so, cuz I missed the whole food. I didnt eat at all, except for two or three spoons from apple, wanru & jenny.. [not jenny eng, hm, she couldnt make it that night..] and so I dont know how Nicccceeeee are the food, most of the dishes are from my mum's frensss so.. yeahs.. Okay, I think I better stop talking about food now, Im feeling hungry.
So, that was about that night, Sunday night.

The following days, drive my grandparents,uncle aunty cousins around and almost everyday we will go out to eat.. [which is the reason why I feel very fat now.. lols] They went back on wednesday and on thursday, when my parents went down to miri to send my grandparents to airport, my bro, sis and I went to become tourguide of Jenny, his bro& a fren. We went to Dadap, wanted to bring them to the waterfall I visited with the class three years ago, but couldnt find it [after going through the hot sun and wet&muddy path with mosquitos]
so brought them to Bandar and we go around the Kg.Ayer by boat, it was very cool as I never see Kg.Ayer's houses and schools that close before. Hehe..

Hmm, suddenly I've many to say still.. but I think I'l just stop here cause it's getting late already <> and I hav school tomorrow. Sigh` the english debate is the 1st period tomorrow. Hopefully my group will win so we could get some 'duit raya' from teacher. Hehehe..

many lubss from,

Monday, October 23, 2006

shenny has moved

as we all know, or will know now, Shenny has moved to a new home at Kilanas. there is no glorified map of all the kampungs in Brunei, but Kilanas can be considered quite faraway from central city..right?? She lives farther away from school than Jasmine does now! but her house is purrdy. (shen, i still think your wet chicken kitchen is outside!)

she had a little housewarming party last night, and the house was jam filled with people and LOTS of food. i had too much =X Shenny, as the hostess, was busying being a mother hen, walking around making sure everyone was happy and smiling. busy woman,

i spent the first half of the day (i invited myself over at 2 when the party starts at 6:30) going through probabilities and statistics with alister and fel, plus a lot of gossiping (them two, not me!). drank 4-5 cans of soyabean and was so disgusted by the end of it =S but when we actually started eating, wahhh i amaze myself, my tummy is a bottomless pit.

amilyn: women with camera are dangerous
shenny: why?
amilyn: they are so vain!!

the group of girls were all posing for the cameras oh dear. not me, i was only in a few shots! here's the worst picture i could find:
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im posting the blurrest image so that NONE of them can go "OH MY GOD SO UGLY" so annoying to hear that!! hahahahaaaaa!

here's the three musketeers:
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and shenny and alister:
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this is alister getting wasted.

we did not drink but he was mesmerized by me. HAHAHAHA!!

*more photos in fel's mobile camera, including photos of luwee and amilyn as "handbag and motorola models" HAHAHA *faint from laughing*
will make her post them in chocolatte. or something.

later that night, we took a walk along the dark dark simpang with trees on one side. but when you have amilyn with a video camera, things will get stupid.
there was limited knowledge on what the whole Blair Witch Project was actually about, but we came up with this, what we called,

the Blur Witch Project: Urban Version

ps. im sorry you have to bear with my squeaky annoying voice. HEE!

Monday, October 16, 2006

worry worry worry..

Things that I worry about until I could not sleep:

1. how to overcome my nervousness during my EAP (English for Academic Purposes) oral presentation on Friday (must practise many times till perfect and confident...argh!!)

2. whether to choose Civil or Electrical & Electronics engineering next year (Super big problem.. this is the "decision" of my life.. affects my whole future man :S)

3. whether to take Engineering management as elective next year

4. whether I "can" get into engineering faculty in uni or not (must study Hard!!)

5. whether I can find a cheap and spacious accomodation next year

6. how I'm going to pack so many of my things when I move out of my present house end of the year

6. when I'll be able to find my "ideal" dress and heels for upcoming ball

7. how to arrange good timing to get ready and be super glam on the day of the ball when I have classes during the day (eg: hair, make-up, transport, etc etc)

8. how to not procrastinate and keep revising and practising questions for Maths 1, Maths 2 and Physics for finals cause these subjects count a lot on practise.

9. how my drama exam will turn out.. since my group and I are so stuck and can't think productively when we write our script

10. how to again overcome nervousness when we perform in front of more than 100 students.

11. whether or not to take History of Ideas' Advance or Ordinary Level

12. how long I'll take to finish reading Shakespeare's 'Othello' before my Literature exam

Anyway.. I'm too lazy to blog about the Royal Melbourne Show already. So forget about that.hehhe

Ok, I'll try to get back to sleep..

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

i'm malaysian.

i only changed ONE answer and i turned from michelle yeoh

Congratulations Amilyn, you are 30% not Malaysian.

That means you're as Malaysian as...

Michelle Yeoh!

How Un-Malaysian Are You?

to badawi!!

Congratulations Amilyn, you are 23% not Malaysian.

That means you're as Malaysian as...

Abdullah Badawi !

How Un-Malaysian Are You?

Saturday, October 07, 2006

why do i never see things coming....

for the past week i've been chillaxing at home, doing no serious work but sleep, eat, tv and occasional outings.
life is gooooooooooooooooooood.


term starts on wednesday but i'll be going to school monday onwards because my darling biology teacher couldn't finish the syllabus on time so we have to go back early for extra lectures.


so i was thinking to myself just a few hours ago "can't believe i have to go back to school... TUDONG! argh!" i know at first i said it was cute, but now that it's been more than half a year, it's annoying! but all's good lah. no major stress coming anytime soon.


just a few minutes ago, i saw a friend's pm on MSN. "9 days to Pure Math". i thought it strange.
so i went to check my AS timetable.

AND THEN.......





why am i always the last one to realise/remember the exam dates??!!!!

MATH P1 on 16th OCTOBER 2006!!!!

9 more days only! *faint*

how come no one's talking about it?!
no one told me "have you revised?? maths paper coming soon!"


teo used to do that to me. I MISS YOU LAH TEO. look what a wreck im turning into!

anyways, was tagging and accidentally clicked on this. turned out to be hilarious. have a look if you may.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

today's cool

it's great being 18.

Shenny: mom, im going out.
Shen's sis: where are you going?
Shenny: i'm 18 now, i don't have to tell you.


being 18 (and a girl) is not very exciting, it's not like once you hit 18 at 12am, you turn from an ugly duckling to a beautiful swan. but it does have it advantages, if you're willing to look at it optimistically. both shen and my parents are giving us more space. not that they don't call when we go home late, but they don't shout and say "get your ass back or i'll disown you!" or something like that lol. we don't really have to ask for permissons before going out anymore, just leave a message before leaving and it's cool. yep, life is changing =D

i was the first "old friend" to visit Shen at her new home! it's really pretty, although not all the deco and furnishing are done yet. she has her own balcony! but her view is some chicken farm hahaa and she get woken up by those chicken crowing every morning. very interesting.

i told her we NEED to take a picture together, a photograph of my first visit in her new home, and we did BUT she just had to delete it because .. okay i wont say it, she'll get embarrassed heehee.
but i am mad! because we never got a chance to take another photo before we left! the next time i visit again will be the SECOND visit! it won't be the same anymore when we take a photo then! NOoOooooOO!!!!

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anyway, that's guiping and i on the left. yenchuan picked her up and came to bring shen and i. they got off the car, because shen's mom insisted us to have some orange before we leave. really feels like "pai nian-ing" with all the chinesenewyear stuff pasted on the walls and the orange! haha.

the four of us went to shop for birthday gifts and cake for singyien's birthday. she's meeting us at 9+, after her work. can you believe it, she can't even take a day off or leave early just coz it's puasa-month. hrmpf. we bought her a really cute hat (which, if it wasn't for her i'd buy for myself haha!) and after scouring hours in gadong for a sexy looking yummy tasting cake, we ended up with something from makcikbakery which was quite okay.

but all our excitement poofed into smoke when we saw singyien coming, two boxes of cake in hand. WHY??!!

never mind, it didn't affect our good mood.

we had a simple dinner at ahanthai (just coz they're relatively more accommodating for us wackos to throw cream around and scream and shout). other customers looked at us in dismay. there was a little girl who looked at our cakes with longing but damn, i wasn't quick enough to capture that moment. the boss (or manager, someone authorative) looked like he wanted us out asap. we only left at almost midnight after settling a bill of $20+. HAHAHHAA cheapskates. greencurry was smoking hot!

as always, some pictures before signing off:

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the girls and yenchuan, the photographer (seen in picture below)

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don't ask me what's with the peace sign. only luwee and i don't have it.
i guess that's what turned us into "outcasts" in the end... (see last picture)

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"*gasp* three cakes!!" shenny's hand blocked the other one.

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the "ssssong" (ugly and old looking) blue cake on the left's from sing yien's manager of 40 years old. expected kann!
the sexy coffee and cream on the right is from sing yien's colleagues.
the yummy yummy tiramisu cheese on the forefront is from US*!
* us: Shenny, Amilyn, YenChuan, GuiPing, LuWee, Adrena

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lyn: "psst, i think we've turned into outcasts"
luwee: "get used to it, happens all the time!"

they called us to the "speaking" people...
because we dont blast chinese from our mouth 120words per minute??

mr.niceguy yenchuan sent guiping home coz it was getting late. shen and i waited for shing, mr.niceguy#2, who was watching Rob-B-Hood. it's good, i got to talk to shen for a bit more before going home.

after saying goodnight and goodbye and getting off the car...

dad, swinging his golf club in the yard: so late.
me: mmm yeah. started dinner late.
dad, agreeably: hm.
me, going into the house: goodnight dad

HAHAHA im allowed to grow up now! to those who are already studying abroad, not living with parents anymore, and scoffing my joy, ....whatever!!!! you don't get the validation. =p

waiting for
  • keys to the house
  • driving licence
  • keys to my first car

Friday, September 29, 2006

I should blog...

before i get too lazy and forget all about the hype of wanting to blog about exciting things that happened to me. Once again, holidays are here and it's ending sooo soon, next Monday back to school, getting papers back, then my doing school work mode have to turn back to on.

But anyways.. i'll talk about after I finished my exams. Then I relaxed like crazy and started to do things i've always wanted to do but never had time to during school days like boring ol' piano playing and cross-stitching. I'll never finish learning a song nor finish stitching up a portrait. EEe.. I think i'll need to take years to complete them.

Then there's the Birthday. hehehe, went to eat italian food with friends on 20th and next day went to eat korean food with dear. And then, for the rest of the week, lazed around and watch movies and drama series. Then on last Monday.. I'm starting to get stressed out again. We had to attend a lecture where people who are in charge of our uni applications talked to us about how to apply, the procedures and etc etc. I HATE the whole process man. So troublesome, I tell u. There are so many steps and so many dates to remember. Like when is the deadline to submit ur application, to submit all ur attached certified copies of results. And then there's also a day where i get my foundation studies result, another deadline to change ur preferences for the courses u gonna choose, then another day to accept ur offer, another deadline to accept ur offer. WAHHH... so many larrrrrr.. and this is not the end. I'll not continue boring u with other dates. But I think if in Brunei, u can ask an educations office to help out.

Anyways.. then on Tuesday.. it was a super fantastic day! I went to this carnival thingie called the Royal Melbourne Show. I'll blog more about that day next time with pics too! Now i show u some random pics. haha, warning: got many vain pics of me, ok. not vain lar.. I have to take myself only mah..since I'm the only one blogging from here. If one of u come to melbourne..then U and I can take pics and post about it. hahha, so for the meantime, u see ME only lar.

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Yeah, i know u're gonna say I look different? or maybe not? hahah, I know my hair has grown really long..haha. Not a traditional cake with 18 candles..haha, but nvm lar. random exquisite small cakes with cute sparkle

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Seafood platter

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Pasta, don't look special. but the portion is bigger than usual.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Mountain of gelato

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Pigeons in Melbourne are damn weird. They are not afraid of ppl and like u can go soo close to them.. like until the distance that u can reach out ur hand to touch them. In Brunei, I think the pigeons like fly away the moment u're about 1 metre away from them. I heard that it's like that here because ppl feed them and sooo of course they have the guts to get close to ppl

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting I am eating something that looks like KFC chicken and also taste like it, but it's actually fried QUAIL, a bird. Then suddenly.. a few pigeons appear in front of me.. like puppies waiting for u to feed them. Then out of a sudden.. a whole bunch of pigeons appeared. so weird lar. Then I threw a piece of the bones towards them. And they all flock there like crazy birds.. The funny thing is.. why would they eat their own relative/cousin? U know for us, we wouldn't eat human meat right? yucks. haha, maybe cause their brain size too small..cannot think well. Then so funny, u can give them false alarm and wave ur hand up like u're going to throw them a piece.. and they're so stupid..they actually believe and started flying up to catch it. dumbbbb.. then i threw another piece (as in bones yea) in the water..and they flew down too.. haha, so funny :P Hope u can feel the humour as well la

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Thursday, September 21, 2006

Jasmine is cool to talk to

because she can make all these adorable expressions within the conversation:

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we're all 18 now.

Jasmine is OLD now!!

Happy Birthday Yap-ahLoy!!

May all your wish and dreams come tRue!!

Heh, take good care and.. COME BACK SOON LA!!

bye, *muahss*

miss us eyy...

-Yer, why i still cant tag ler.. hmmm...-

Saturday, September 16, 2006

those teachers

this morning Shenny, Felicia, Clinton, Kevin, Alison and I had our Physics Practical Exam. i walked into the room expecting it to be very very difficult but when i looked at the paper, HEEE, it's only hard. amazing how when you expect things to be very very bad, when it turns out less bad than you expect, you can still find relief. even thought it IS still bad. so yes, although it wasn't as hard as i expected it to be, i still did pretty badly. i didn't even know there was a page7 until time was up. HAHAHAaaaa.

after practicals, Shenny wanted to's. two of the reasons is to see a few teachers and also to get jenny and shenny's olevel certs. so Shenny, Jenny and i managed to cajole YenChuan into driving us there. upon arrival, Shenny immediately got infected with "cha-beng" again. really. ask her. she was so excited she forgot to shut the car door twice.

at's we saw a few teachers.
ms.kong - verypregnant and still in tight pants.
t.victoriah- aiyah pahh!
mrs.han - still as sarcastic as ever. (you see these kids, having exams, instead of revising at home, loitering around here) ??
t.lata - one of the MAIN reason we went to sgs was because we heard she's getting married!!!! and it's true. she's leaving on 31st october. wedding's on 30th november. wow. she's not going to teach anymore. what is going to happen to sgs??!!
t.veronica - the first thing she said when she saw us was "YOU. MAKTAB. DULI. CHIIIICKEN!!!" HAHAHA and proceeded to tell us about how the maktab duli debate team bailed out on them and lalala she was pissed. okay. i am not involved in debate. t.veronica is going through the procedures of her migration to newzealand. wah.

so yeah la. t.lata leaving, t.veronica leaving, t.menchie leaving. sgs ah. falling apart. sigh.

and then jenny went home. shenny and i met up with Clint, Fel and Michelle at mall foodcourt for lunch. SO FUN-EH. lol. Fel was getting so worked up talking about her mean maths teacher. mean i tell you! hehe. it's so fun having lunch with them all.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Hey yaaa..

Still having exams.. but one more on Friday. Tomorrow is the only one day break i've got. Was planning to blog during hols after exam but then.. dunno why I just feel like blogging now. I just realised I'm always blogging during holidays one ah.. that's kinda BAD, right? heheh. Looking back, I realised the last time i blogged was like two months + ago. SO LONG.. but to me, it seems like those two months just flew past me just like that. Whoosh!! hehe, school life.. what to do.

Lately my sleeping time has been totally screwed up. Before Monday and Tuesday's exams I slept for five hours. Then yesterday after exam replacement-sleep for 5 hours. Then yesterday's real sleep only lasted 3 hours. Then..finally.. my 6-hour-replacement-sleep which I just woke up from. I really dunno if u can understand this whole paragraph..hehe sounds messy.

Anyways.. my exams went alright I guess. Maths and Physics.. got mistakes here and there as usual. Then my Literature .. totally memorized the whole (shit) of an essay. And then on Friday.. gonna take Maths 2. My mind is filled with calculations from Maths 1,2 and Physics. Physics has no theory one.. calculate non stop..

During holidays I also have to study. As in self-study la. Revise things at home and go through whole year's work. Really must prepare well for my finals in november. Cannot do any more last minute work. Cause the final exams percentages are worth the most in the year. And then the total mark accumulated throughout the year determines whether we could enter whatever faculty we wanna enter in uni next year. Scary man. Everyone here in Trinity is, nowadays, just trying to pull their best 4 subjects' average mark up to their required faculty's minimum. Or else.. DIE. have to go to "not very good unis" already. Of course anyone would aim to go to the best of the best unis right? hehe, so yea.. i'm planning to go to University of Melbourne next year. Hope can get in.

Hmm.. can't believe I'm here for almost 7 months already. Missing Brunei and everyone back there. And my family, my house, my room, my piano, Astro TV, cheap and nice Brunei food.. and etc etc. And I wanna learn driving lar. U ppl ahh.. so lucky. Get to learn nowadays already. Then soon, can get license. I dunno if I have enough time to get one if I go back. If really cannot.. then have to learn here already. But also no use one.. no car to practise with.. No fun!

U know last few weeks, I overdosed myself. HAHAHA. kinda funny to think of it. Wasn't on purpose la. and not sleeping pills of course. Was having awful gastric one morning when I woke up. Then it lasted whole day even when I ate like nuts. Then I went to get gastric medicine. Then I misread the label. Instead of 2 tablets 4 times a day, I took 4 tablets each time. No wonder, the stupid gastric didn't go away for the whole night. Moreover, it lasted past midnight some more. Eeks.. bad experience man. So make sure u read the label damn carefully if u ever take any medicine.

Ok I'm going to go study now. Must use up all time possible from now on.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

just pictures

from 29th July 2006

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Shenny: hehe, i deleted one picture lyn, hope u dont mind ohhh.. xP

Friday, July 28, 2006

3 weeks later...

About 3 weeks since I last blogged..(i think). So what has happened?

- Became weight-obsessed.
(but not till the extent that I will go and throw up and be a bullimic/anorexic)

Because I found out that I have gained weight.. I have now planned to and also have implemented the following:

-Eat less sugar ie. no more drinking fruit juices or soft drinks. I just watched recently on tv that fruit juices, although they appear healthy and all, do contribute to obesity because it has high sugar. Don't believe me? check the nutrition facts on ur food package. Can u even believe that Ribena or Just Juice has more sugar than Coke? unbelievable for me. hehe. So, I have stopped buying my usual Ice lemon tea and Just Juice (apple flavour)

-Go to the gym at least 3 times a week. Need to burn burn burn!! the calories.

-Maybe eat meat twice or thrice a week only..hehe, hope that works lar. That means more veges and fruits. Do u know that u can substitute an apple for a meal. Not very good.. but I always try to make it like a snack. When hungry.. then I go eat apple.

-Not stuff myself. I used to eat until the point where my stomach feels like bursting. that's bad bad! and that's how I got a bulging tummy. So.. nowadays, I just eat till my stomach's just filled nicely. No more attempts to burst my stomach.

-Other than not making myself damn full, I'm also trying to not make myself damn hungry. u noe why? Because.. when u're really hungry right, then u eat, don't u think u'll eat more? To me, that is true lar. if u starve urself and not eat breakfast or lunch, then definitely u'll eat a heavy dinner. so what's the use of starving in the first place..right? So, from what I read, the right way is to eat light snacks, in between breakfast and lunch & lunch and dinner. Light snacks don't mean chips, chocolate and the junk food arh. Supposed to be fruits or low-fat yoghurt or salad ( haha, but i'm not a fan of salads :P).

- This next thing is not supposed to be necessary because it's my stupid instinct now to keep looking at nutrition fact sheets on all food packages/containers. I didn't used to look at the fat content and sugar content.. but now arh.. I suddenly go look at all the the nutrition fact labels on my food at home.. haha gila-nya. Then when I go buy food also.. go kepo2 look at those info.

hhaaha, my post should be named "Try these to lose weight".. but nolar.. it's just what i'm doing lar.. not asking u all to try... after not successful then I'm to be blamed. what else ah.. oh yah.

During world cup final match day, at about 2.30 am, I went and be part of a big big big crowd of Aussies who were supporting Italy. haha, so weird lar, i think there was only about 0.5% of Asians there. Feel so dominated by them. But anyway.. it was fun watching ppl look so dumb and at the same time so Loyal to their beloved Italy. Lucky they won too.. saw more craziness after that.

Trying to be superman?haha, don't look at the T V yea.. dunno why can't see clearly through cameraThere was this one man with his friends.. when goal that time.. he jumped like a maniac.. not knowing that the area he's standing at has limited space for him to jump.. until he stepped on my foot some more.. stupid ass!

Then some people illegally ignited their flares.. when the security came and make sure noone is hurt.. also no use.. they dunno who did it. So, during the whole time.. i think there were like about 10 flares being ignited.

Somehow, I feel that they are so nice and artistic. Bright red glow in the middle of the night

Up close

Yah, of course u know what they are all looking at

And who the hell will know that the match would last so long. Kinda tiring standing all night... waiting for what seems forever. But then the penalty kick part at the end of the match was fun lar.. exciting. Can see anxiety everywhere. Then when I got home, it's 7 am already. All the loyal fans driving their cars honked like crazy..continuously non-stop. everywhere u go, u hear it and they will be looking at u, seeking attention, and shouting like mad. Victory drives ppl crazy huh?

And that afternoon I had to go to a class at 1.45 pm... and guess what? I overslept and missed it. First day of third term some more.

Anyway.. back at school, as usual school work is piling up; building a mountain soon. Like never ending and everyday have to think of how to use time to the fullest.. cause it seems to be slipping away too fast. 3 weeks and I haven't started on my essay assignments yet.

* Quite into listening Shakira's "hips don't lie" and Nelly Furtado's "Loose" albums.

I think the long and cold winter days are gradually going away. At least that's what I felt (& also by observing the weather forecast everyday) and hope will happen lar. Cause I'm kinda sick of wearing so many layers of clothing already... and I hate it when the sky turns pitch black when it's only 5.15-5.20 pm.. so fast lar.. so depressing looking at dark sky. But at least today not so bad.. around 5.45 pm then only turned dark. So, I guess and hope summer's coming. I liked it when I first came to Melbourne. It was somewhere between summer and autumn.. And the sky was still bright and nice till around 8 pm. So much daylight, I like! BUT then I know I'll sure hate it when it's summer. sigh... when it's winter i like summer , and when it's summer like when i first came, i wished for winter. What the heck.. I want this when i got that.. sucks.

Sunday, July 09, 2006


Hi all,

I have spent two whole weeks of holidays doing nothing useful and have wasted precious time. But nevertheless, I don't really care. Because I somehow feel that holidays are for resting not for improving any schoolwork..hehhe, that's bad. So please don't have that thinking too. It will ruin youu, really.. but still... haha i don't care la.

My routine has been sleep, wake up, eat, watch movies on pc and sleep again...and the cycle continues. I sleep most of the time..waking up late in the afternoons. However, there was once when i slept for 15 hours straight.. what a time waster I am. sigh!

But my holidays will never be completed without shopping. hehehe... what a money waster I am. Anyways.. last week, I went twice to two different places..far away in the suburbs. And today.. I unexpectedly went shopping again. There was this I don't know if u call a "shopping centre" but it's like a shopping centre.. which has a train station in the basement. It's called 'Melbourne Central'. And for so many months.. I didn't know there were so many shops there, shoes..etc etc, because I never explored the top or bottom levels further in.. the level where I always went.. only had restaurants all around and a fitness centre at the higher floor. So I was blur the whole time.. Moreover, the place is so much closer to my home that other shopping places like the suburbs. arghh.. not good. good that i discovered that but not good for future.. I'm afraid I'll go there and shop all the time.

Back to the shopping part.. I'm sorry yea, boys/men.. this part on is like more meant for girls to read.hehehe..cause girls like shopping right? Don't we, girls? haha, yeah.. I managed to snap some pics with camera phone. Felt so embarassed doing so.. cause I was alone the whole time. And some ppl seeing me take pics of the stuff in the shops look at me awkwardly like as if I was gonna steal the things in there. dumb ppl. So.. here goes my shop talk..

There's this shop called "Diva" which I stepped into for the first-time and alot of my friends have been there dumb i didn' know about this shop. And I almost died when I entered the shop.. hahaha, not literally lar.. of course. Almost died of what u wonder? hahah, erm.. died of heart attack/excited-ness/happiness/thinking of how to not finish up my money until my brain explodes and i dunno what else.. hahah, unexplainable lar. Yea.. I LOVE the things there. Girls who like jewellery, like me, will love this shop too. So many varieties, designs, cool and nice too. I almost wanted to buy the whole shop..haha I wish! I had such a hard time choosing what to buy and almost grabbed everything.. until I have to SAD-ly eliminate one by one.

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Hehe..i know u can't see them well.. just wanna show u what I saw lar. So u don't have to imagine.. haha

Bangles at the bottom

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Pink and bronze

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sorry if this is too much.. I just have to show u more of what i'm so crazy about

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These are veryy trendy now.. necklaces that hangs down to ur chest with lots of pendants on each. Too bad I didn't buy one..I initially wanted to get one but it was eliminated. I might buy one of those another day.

Ok.. let's talk about what's in here in Melbourne and maybe in Brunei/Malaysia/Singapore or wherever too. I'm so excited to show my discovery. Discovered by observing ppl every now and then, Everywhere.

I realise that colours that resemble a sailor's uniform is Quite in.. but I don't really like it.

Let me show u.

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Then Polka dotted clothing are kinda in too nowadays..but no pics

Then the hairbands

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These used to be worn during the 80's isn't it? They're coming back here. Got stripe ones, polka dottted ones, cloth ones and many many designs but what u see here are the plain coloured ones. Actually in the shop Diva got lots...but didn't take pics.

Next, Skinny Leg Jeans. I got influenced and now love them too. I used to think they looked old. But now, after looking at hundreds of girls (estimately), I think they are very useful and look nice when u wanna wear jeans and boots (to me, it's the only kind of jeans that can fit into my boots) and also they make girls look very girly and nice when worn with flat "ballet-like" or round-toe shoes.
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haha, okay enough of skinny-leg jeans.

errmm. another thing I noticed are sunglasses. Remember quite a number of years back, the "brightly-coloured lens" sunglasses used to be very famous. Like got blue, red, neon yellow and other colours. I remember I used to own a blue one and a two red ones.. of which I somehow have broken. I remember one of my red ones.. So sad man.. I didn't know it was on the car seat and 'Crack!'- I sat on it. Then I didn't really wanna buy sunglasses anymore since I always tend to break them. But after coming here for a week, and I guess again being influenced (by just looking at other people who were wearing them), I went and got myself a pair. But, don't get me wrong... not those brightly-coloured ones. It's those that I call "Big" sunglasses.. because they're quite huge; taking up a big part of your face. I see lots of people wearing those and so that prompted me to get one of the "Big" sunglasses too...hehe.

To show u what I mean.. Pics!


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Woah! while searching for pics, I found this. Looks Almost exactly like the one I broke by sitting.. same colour some more.

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And lastly... Lindsay Lohan.

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Notice her handbag. hhaha, MEtallic!! As I mentioned before in the tagboard, metallic stuff are soo everywhere. My favorite -bronze bronze bronze!! Anyway..err.. I also did mentioned flowy skirts before yea? haha, guess u know what those are. I always wanna wear them but must wait till summer then only safe to wear.. now winter (no snow, just low degree of temperature), wear and I'll freeze my legs only. Other things that I observed/noticed more and more people wearing and more and more shops selling both in Brunei and Melbourne are striped shirts and bohemian/gypsy-styled earrings. (* sorry if i'm outdated.. but the last time I was in Brunei those were selling at lots of places, dunno about now lar).

Because of the cold winter, I have also indulged myself in knitwear, scarves, gloves and trench coats. I know knitwear sounds like what only your grandmothers would wear.. but I still do like them.. depending on how nice-looking they are. Some can be quite nice..haha. And trench coats are sort of like jackets/coats that reach till somewhere near ur knee.. just imagine the movie 'Harry Potter'. U remember their coats? Yea.. trench coats are something like that but not as long as theirs. Theirs reach till the ankle. The trench coats one reach just somewhere near the knee ;-)

Ok.. I'll stop here. Damn, this is turning into a fashion report. I seriously could go on forever without stopping. I apologize if u're not interested in this post and find it a waste of ur precious time but thanks for reading anyway. hahaha I know not everyone cares much about what people wear at all.

2020 First Post

So 2020 started badly overall for everyone, with world disasters keep coming. However I didn't think it was bad as I was still looking...