It's a USB pen drive/flash memory. So cute.
It's a USB pen drive/flash memory. So cute.
I dont know why but it's very hard for me nowadays to wake up early. So I had nothing to do and I was left home alone again, so I just turned on the pc and continue watching the last few minutes of my last episode of season 4's Grey's Anatomy[because I fell asleep the previous night when I was watching it] and then went downstairs to get something to eat.
sighs` what a life~
then amilyn called and told me about her party, and that it is confirmed in sheraton hotel. Yays, formal she said. I dont know why I was so happy, it's not like I have something to wear already. Maybe I was excited and happy because she just gave me a reason to go shopping again. Hahaha.
So I made some phone calls and messages and then I watched Ghost Whisperer on Tv. I've always liked to watch that series. Anyone has the whole series/season? Hehehe, please..thankyou.
ok, Dmm.
and then Jeewei texted she will drop by..so she came at around 3pm and we chatted some wuliao stuffs..and then she went back to work at arnd 4.45pm..
so, somehow there was going to be a dinner at RedCanopy with few ppl so the few ppl who came was Pk, Jung, Lyn, Carmen, Jeewei and myself, and because some of them was in working attire.. so the sampatness came.
Suddenly the dinner became the Sampat Inc's Annual Dinner... wth~lol
and there were posts like The CEO, Marketing Sales Manager, Finance Manager, The Spokesperson, Human Resource Manager and the Security Manager. Hahahahaha.. I LOL'ed and started to take pictures of the people~
The Food.
Didnt take a very nice picture of the food because we already started eating when I wanted to take the pictures, moreover..I'm not a professional photographer who knows the angles and stuffs.
Well, the food was not bad though; Tom Yam Soup, Omelette, Garlic Chicken and I think that is Kailan with beef? lol. Forgot~
So.. introducing the Sampat Inc's people..
The Spokesperson, also the Model of the Sampat Inc.
and he'd be the Human Resource Dept's Manager.
and Hahaha.. The Security Manager!! =P
And actually, I didn't want to post up this person below's picture because Hey, she is definetely not sampat..But if I dont post her picture Up.. I cant imagine the consequences. Lol.. so yeahs.. and the Marketing Sales manager is..
I did not take a picture at the restaurant so I took this when I reached home.
so after the dinner, the people went to do some shopping and only The CEO bought a top for herself at the itop.
and why dint we buy anything?
Because The CEO did not give us salary LO... haha!!
four different views of the same beach. Ok, I'm not a professional photographer BUT I thought I was quite pro in taking these pictures. haha, dmm~
MORE TO COME.. sorry ppl. hehe..i'm a beach freak nowadays.
this is when I can see the sun and it was going to set alreadyy..
and with the sunray, the place looked really nice.
and then I saw a rainbow behind me.... =D
And one last shot before I leave because it was drizzling already.
Sighs' didnt managed to see the sunset but I was already very happy to be able to take all these nice pictures I took above. . dmm~
Okay, this is getting nowhere..
so, main points->Last night I went to watch the movie 'Journey to the centre of the earth' with my cousin, sister and my aunt at 11.15pm, thought the movie would be boring because the poster didn't looked very interesting but It turned out to be quite a good one and we all liked it. *thumbs up* well then reached home abit late after the movie at around 1ish and marathon'ed Grey's Anatomy until 4am.
So because it's a public holiday, my dad was home and when he is at home, he'd always think of a way to wake everybody up at the time he wants us to be UP.. so at around 12pm, he came into my room and 'E O E O', as in really singing it.. sighs~ so I only slept for 8hrs.. blehs~
I had a great day today though, had lunch with my family at the Rms Diner then off my sisters and I go with my Aunt Joey then. We went to mani/pedicure and after that we went to eat/drink. At around 6ish, my small sister wanted to go to the beach to see sunset so we decided to go and there we took some pictures with my sew810i..
oh, the sun had already set though..
the beautiful scenery at Jp Beach.
Aunt Joey & bii
Hehe, must be wondering next picture would be my aunt and myself eyy.. Lol~ we did take a shot but it turned out Not Nice so TADA~
haha, this above picture was just a random picture my sister; bii took. Also I was too lazy to pose for the camera dyy with my hair blown by the strong winds, so I only had this picture with my aunt where our Back was in Action =D
and before they all start to go down to the car.. I managed to snap the last shot of the beautiful scenery..
I think I'm in love with the beach.Dmm~
So I really have to thank my aunt very much in today's outing and just in case if she visits here, I want to say a BIG thankyou and <3 u Aunt Joey! hehe =)
More pictures coming up.. ;)
ok, this was suppose to look like the 'whatever-goddess-like-finger-thing' but I jus spoiled it ey infront with that gesture.. anyways... :)
A friendship heart :)
ok?! what was I doing??! what whattt? I cant hear you guys... =S
Actually, this is just the beginning of the many pictures we took that day.. but I guess I'l just stop here first and hehe, suspense suspense eyyy ;)
and I did say too that I'l post up some of the second round's tri-extreme pictures ey.. here, pictures of Silverplay having Roti Kosongs' as breakfast before the tri-extreme, yumm ^^
After the breakfast, we head to Jp right away to register & while we were waiting for the mc to start the briefing, we took some more pictures and here is a random picture I chose to post up.
So the game started at 9am and we have to finish all 6 tasks at 1pm and the fastest team that finish all tasks wins.
Some random pictures taken when we were doing the tasks..
Name of the task above : I am/am not smarter than a primary school student.
The aboves were taken when we tried to attempt the task called 'triple threat' and we failed to complete the task.
Name of the task: Speed Racer, but this is not about who comes first and win BUT it's a memory test. Along the roadway, there are 20 signboards where u have to memorise and jot it down in a paper, Orderly. We failed to do this task too. Heh~
Name of the task: Eww. And this is where I sacrificed my 'lovely-nails-that-were-going-to-be-manicured' to.. see the wriggly-ewwy-worms in there. lol` but I thought my teamates' tasks in this EWW task were eww-er than mine. Hehe=)
Anyways, we only completed 4 tasks out of 6 and we thought we did quite well already because at the 'eleventh hour' of the game, we thought we could only complete one task because we were really running out of time.
To end this blog, I've come up with a question. Very easy one.. haha.. now who can tell me, who is that girl in that picture below?
nice hair she got ey? Hahaha please, please dont mind me xP
Lamb Shank
-Breakfast-eating place called MART 130
This is some egg thing with sausages, toast bread and hollandaise sauce
This place right, it's called MART 130 cause it's next to a tram stop. TRAM spelt backwards is MART..haha so smart. As for the 130, it's coz it's situated at Tram stop no. 130. It is exactly next to the tram stop...so when u exit the restaurant through the front door, u can board the tram already.
-Went to watch these two movies:
*I think this poster is either stupid/hillarious. Why is his tie covering half her face?? I bet they're trying to portray how "unsmart" he is.Get Smart was freaking funny.. and I loved the part where the Rock just stapled a paper onto another guy's head.. ouch man..that must have hurt badly. Then there's this other scene where Steve Carell kept trying to shoot the needles to release himself from something(forgot what, but i remember his hands were tied together). Then he kept shooting them INTO HIS SKIN every time he missed. there's even one which went through his ear.. galii. OH and his name is max, right? short form, they'll usually call him maxie.AHAHA but someone called him "maxi pad"..haha my goodness...that's so mean!
I kept drooling at Anne Hathaway's trench coats...AWww.. I really want them. They're so pretty. Even her spy jackets look so cool and chic. I super super love this one she's wearing. It's exactly what I'm looking for but I can't find a nice one that looks something like that.
Hancock.. when I first watched it... at the beginning of the movie.. I was shocked and was thinking "What the hell? He's superman ah?". AHAHA coz he can fly.. and noone else can fly except for Superman isn't it? But overall, I'll say it's quite okay..not a bad movie.
-GAME ON exhibition.. which exhibits the history of video games.. right when they were first created until now.
There's this really cute and huge MARIO that I cannot stop taking pictures with.
Must take a closer shot as well
Old-school 2-D Mario on the other side
I really enjoyed being there at the exhibition. It's so cool. And some of the games bring back so many childhood memories. Too bad we weren't allowed to bring cameras...so I wasn't able to snap any pictures inside.
Some of the games there were dated way back in the 80's. So old and the graphics are so pixel-ly, I mean to say there's lots of huge pixels. Got to land my hands on one of the oldest games.. PACMAN! It was on one of the arcade games machines.
Actually, eventhough it's called an exhibition, we were supposed to go there and PLAY the games. So whatever games they display, u can just go and play it, sometimes u'll have to queue up if there's a lot of ppl waiting to play it.
Some of the exhibits are:
-Early arcade machine games
-Video game consoles of all generations: Playstation, Xbox, Sega, Nintendo, etc. Btw these are the first few manufacturers who brought video games to our homes!
-Wii games
-Guitar Hero and Dance dance revolution games
-Grand Theft Auto, Street Fighter, Final Fantasy & the Sims, and alot more of other games.
-Handheld games machines, like Gameboy& PSP. haha, so funny, I found the Gameboy model that I had when I was 10 yrs old, the big and chunky one which displays only black pixels.
- Nintendo games, which of course features my favorite MARIO. And after reading a short history of Mario, then only I knew that he is an Italian plumber. HAHA, no wonder his clothes are like a plumber's uniform and he has an Italian accent when he say "Hi, this is Mario". Oh, u know the guy who created Mario is so damn famous and successful now. I quote from Wikipedia "Miyamoto is a world-renowned game designer, and is often called the "father of modern video gaming". I actually saw and read this line there too.
-Sonic the Hedgehog is quite famous too apparently. But he was made by SEGA.
-Then there's this whole section on Japanese games and anime being made into games.
-There's this thing by Sony that's called Eyetoy, which I find freaking amazing. U play the games by moving ur body. It's something like what we played in OGDC, remember or not? But here, there are many other games I found which u can play with it. So fun.
- Mobile and online games which I'm personally not a big fan of..hehe
- There were some drawings which are pencil sketches of the games that were produced. So cool man, I dunno how those game creators/people who draw them do it so well. The lines they draw are so perfectly straight/curved. Artists... I salute them.
Anyway.. I seem to be ranting too much about this game thing..so off I go.
I'm not done blogging yet.. still have things to blog about..but another day.
So 2020 started badly overall for everyone, with world disasters keep coming. However I didn't think it was bad as I was still looking...