Thursday, February 19, 2009

Too cute~~~

Went to the weekly Night Market yesterday, only on every Wednesday, but ending next week. It's like a "pasar malam" but it's angmoh style. haha. So there were food stalls, and stalls selling random things.

Then I stopped at this stall. So freaking damn cute............THE CUPCAKES they were selling!!

So someone bought for me after I pestered him. lol.

so kiiiuuuut and pweeeeeety.

There were at least 10 more other different styles & decorations on the different flavoured cupcakes. Too bad I didn't bring my camera there to take pictures of them. Everyone crowded around the stall squealing at how cute they were. haha. Feel like going again lar, next week.
p/s: Sorry yea peeps, hahaha I DO KNOW dat the pictures are very repetitive. But so pretty.. cannot stop snapping.

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